24 Taun Industrial Ledakan-Buktina Produsén

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Tanda-tanda ngabeledugna Gas Alam

1. silinder ieu distended tur sagemblengna blackened, nunjukkeun bahaya ledakan kritis!

2. The seuneu has shifted to white, ngaluarkeun sora nu seukeut. Seuneu oranyeu-konéng aslina parantos ngalih ka bodas, and the ‘whooshhas become a ‘hiss,’ suggesting it could ngabeledug any second. Saterasna, the abrupt disappearance of sound and flame is a tell-tale sign of imminent explosion!

3. A steel gas cylinder lying on the ground and ablaze is a ticking time bomb! Do not approach it; evacuate the area quickly!



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