24 Taun Industrial Ledakan-Buktina Produsén

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WhatIstheGeneralVoltageofExplosion-ProofLights|Spésifikasi Téknis

Spésifikasi teknis

Naon Tegangan Umum Lampu Ledakan-Buktina

Typical Voltage for Explosion-Proof Lights in Factories

Explosion-proof lights in factories are commonly rated for 220V or 380V. Umumna, 220V nyaéta standar, kalawan 380V kirang umum tur ilaharna ditangtayungan pikeun fixtures kalawan syarat kakuatan exceptionally tinggi.

lampu buktina ledakan-4

Voltage for Mining Applications

Pikeun aplikasi pertambangan, the standard voltage for explosion-proof lights is usually 127V, with other voltages being exceedingly rare.



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