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WhichLevelofExplosion-ProofIs Higher,CT5orCT6|Spésifikasi Téknis

Spésifikasi teknis

Mana Tingkat Ledakan-Buktina Anu Langkung Luhur, CT5 atanapi CT6

Klasifikasi CT6 ngabeledug-buktina luhur. Kadua model ditunjuk salaku Kelas C dina hal kaamanan ngabeledug, kalawan T5 na T6 nunjukkeun suhu permukaan maksimum alat.

Grup suhu pakakas listriksuhu permukaan maksimum allowable pakakas listrik (℃)Suhu ignition gas / uap (℃)tingkat suhu alat lumaku
T1450> 450T1 ~ T6
T2300> 300T2 ~ T6
T3200> 200T3~T6
T4135> 135T4 ~ T6
T5100> 100T5 ~ T6
T685> 85T6

Pilihan ti T1 nepi ka T6 dipandu ku titik flash bahan picilakaeun, with T6 providing greater safety compared to T5, thus suitable for a broader range of hazardous environments. The appropriate rating is determined based on factors such as the power output, heat generation, and the flash points of the hazardous materials involved.



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