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WorkingPrincipleofExplosion-ProofElectromagneticStarter|Spésifikasi Téknis

Spésifikasi teknis

Prinsip Kerja Starter éléktromagnétik Buktina Ledakan

Starter éléktromagnétik tahan ledakan mangrupikeun alat anu penting pikeun motor, direkayasa pikeun nyegah insiden seuneu arc-ngainduksi éféktif. It’s predominantly utilized for remotely controlling motor operations like start, Eureun, jeung sabalikna, bari ogé safeguarding ngalawan tegangan lemah sareng skenario overload.

explosion proof electromagnetic starter-1
Starter ieu ngandung casing dicap, dasar baja, an AC contactor, and associated wiring. When the start button is activated, the coil in the AC contactor within the starter gets energized. This action connects the power supply by moving the contact group into place, maintained by a self-locking auxiliary contact. Sabalikna, hitting the stop button de-energizes the coil, causing the contacts to disengage and disconnecting the power supply.

Its robust and precise design makes it indispensable in hazardous areas, ensuring safe and controlled motor operations in potentially ngabeledug lingkungan.



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