Utoaji na upeo wa vyeti visivyolipuka na vya usalama wa makaa ya mawe hutofautiana sana.
Kwa utoaji, cheti cha kuzuia mlipuko hutolewa moja kwa moja na Kituo cha Kitaifa cha Usimamizi na Ukaguzi wa Ubora wa Bidhaa ya Umeme au mamlaka zingine zinazohusika.. Tofauti, the coal safety certificate is exclusively issued after inspection by the National Safety Mark Center, marking a substantial distinction.
Regarding the scope, the explosion-proof certificate is designed for environments with kulipuka hazardous gases and is predominantly used in Class II locations. Kinyume chake, the coal safety certificate is strictly for use in Class I environments, where gaseous explosive hazards like methane zimeenea.