Ikilinganishwa na vifaa vya jumla vya umeme vya viwandani na vya nyumbani, ni lazima vifaa vya umeme visivyolipuka viwe na alama zinazohitajika ili kuashiria kuwa ni vya aina isiyoweza kulipuka. Hii ndio inajulikana kama alama ya kuzuia mlipuko.
Each explosion-proof electrical device should have its explosion-proof marking clearly displayed on its visible parts and nameplate. This system provides essential information, indicating that the marked electrical equipment is explosion-proof and specifying the types of gesi inayoweza kuwaka environments and hazardous areas where it can be safely used. Wazi, this is crucial information.
The composition of the explosion-proof marking and examples of such markings consist of the following English letter combinations: Kwa mfano (Explosion-protect) represents “isiyoweza kulipuka,” followed by the explosion-proof type (which can also include the equipment protection level), equipment category, explosion-proof grade symbol (au joto), and/or equipment protection level symbol (au joto).
The representations of the aina ya kuzuia mlipuko (d, e, i, uk, o, q, m, n, s), equipment classification (I, II) (IIA, IIB, IIC), temperature grading (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6), and equipment protection levels (Ca, Cb, Ga; Ma, Mb, Gb) are well-established. Hivyo, we use these representations to exemplify the composition of explosion-proof markings for different types of vifaa vya umeme visivyolipuka.