24 Mtengenezaji wa Uthibitisho wa Mlipuko wa Viwanda wa Mwaka

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WhyIstheExplosion-ProofBlowerExplosion-Proof|Sifa za Utendaji

Sifa za Utendaji

Kwa Nini Kina Mlipuko-Ushahidi wa Mlipuko

Neno “isiyoweza kulipuka” kwa mashabiki wa ngoma inahusu muundo wao unaotenga vipengele vya umeme vinavyoweza kuzalisha cheche, arcs, na halijoto hatari kutoka kwa michanganyiko ya gesi inayolipuka wakati wa operesheni. Muundo huu pia huhakikisha hakuna cheche zinazotolewa wakati hali maalum husababisha msuguano na casing ya feni, thus maintaining safe production practices.

shabiki usio na mlipuko-2
Explosion-proof drum fans are generally categorized into two types: one with both the casing and the impeller made of aluminum alloy and powered by explosion-proof motors; and another where the casing is made of iron sheet or stainless steel with an aluminum alloy impeller, also powered by explosion-proof motors. The use of aluminum alloy in friction areas prevents ignition, fulfilling explosion-proof requirements.

Kwa kawaida, explosion-proof motors like BT4 and CT4 are used, with customization options available for high-temperature resistance, upinzani wa kutu, and variable frequency. These drum fans are ideal for flammable and explosive environments, kama vile gesi asilia usafiri.



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