24 ఇయర్ ఇండస్ట్రియల్ పేలుడు-ప్రూఫ్ తయారీదారు

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

IncreasedSafetyElectricalEquipmentEnclosureProtection|సాంకేతిక వివరములు

సాంకేతిక వివరములు

పెరిగిన భద్రత ఎలక్ట్రికల్ ఎక్విప్‌మెంట్ ఎన్‌క్లోజర్ ప్రొటెక్షన్

మెరుగుపరచబడిన-భద్రతా విద్యుత్ పరికరాలను సరిగ్గా రూపొందించిన ఎన్‌క్లోజర్‌లో తప్పనిసరిగా ఉంచాలి. ఈ కేసింగ్ ఎలక్ట్రికల్ భాగాలను అసెంబ్లింగ్ చేయడమే కాకుండా ఘన కణాల వంటి బాహ్య ముప్పుల నుండి రక్షించడానికి కూడా కీలకం., తేమ, మరియు నీరు. ఈ మూలకాలు తీవ్రమైన ప్రమాదాన్ని కలిగిస్తాయి, ఎందుకంటే అవి షార్ట్ సర్క్యూట్లకు దారితీస్తాయి, insulation breakdowns, and potentially hazardous electrical discharges.

It’s well-known that electrical devices are vulnerable to environmental factors. Solid contaminants, ఉదాహరణకు, can infiltrate and cause short circuits, while moisture can degrade insulation, leading to leaks and sparks – a dangerous situation indeed. Using enclosures with an appropriate protection rating can prevent these risks.

According to the GB4208-2008 standard, which specifies enclosure protection levels (IP codes), these levels are represented by the IP code followed by two numbers and sometimes additional letters. The first number indicates the level of protection against solid objects, మరియు రెండవది నీటికి వ్యతిరేకంగా. ఉదాహరణకి, an enclosure rated IP54 offers a certain degree of protection against solids and liquids. GB4208-2008 categorizes protection against solids into 6 levels and against water into 8 స్థాయిలు.

When it comes to enclosures:

With exposed live parts, a minimum of IP54 is required.

With insulated live parts inside, it should also be at least IP54.

Dust levelCharacteristics of solid foreign objectsCharacteristics of solid foreign objects
Brief Descriptionఅర్థం
0రక్షణ లేనిది
1Prevent solid foreign objects with a diameter of no less than 50mmThe 50mm spherical test tool with a diameter of must not completely enter the casing
2Prevent solid foreign objects with a diameter of no less than 12.5mmThe 12.5mm spherical test tool with a diameter of must not completely enter the casing
3Prevent solid foreign objects with a diameter of no less than 2.5mmThe 2.5mm spherical test tool with a diameter of must not completely enter the casing
4Prevent solid foreign objects with a diameter of no less than 1.0mmThe 1.0mm spherical test tool with a diameter of must not completely enter the casing
5Dust prevention
6Dust density

Waterproof gradeWaterproof gradeWaterproof grade
0No protection
1Prevent vertical water drippingVertical dripping should not have harmful effects on electrical equipment
2Prevent water dripping in the vertical direction when the shell tilts within a range of 15 ° from the vertical directionWhen the vertical surfaces of the casing are tilted within a vertical angle of 15 °, the vertical dripping of water should not have a harmful effect on the electrical equipment
3Rain protectionWhen the vertical surfaces of the casing are tilted within a vertical angle of 60 °, rain should not have a harmful effect on the electrical equipment
4Anti splash waterWhen splashing water in all directions of the casing, it should not have harmful effects on electrical equipment
5Water spray preventionWhen spraying water in all directions of the casing, it should not have harmful effects on electrical equipment
6Anti strong water sprayWhen spraying strong water in all directions of the casing, the strong water spraying should not have harmful effects on electrical equipment
7Prevention of short-term immersionWhen the casing is immersed in water at the specified pressure for a specified period of time, the amount of water entering the casing will not reach a harmful level
8Prevention of continuous divingAccording to the conditions agreed upon by both the manufacturer and the user, the amount of water entering the casing shall not reach a harmful level after continuous submergence into the water

For venting:

In Class I equipment, a minimum of IP54 (for non-light-emitting live parts) or IP44 (for insulated live parts) అవసరం.

For Class II equipment, the rating should not be less than IP44, regardless of the type of internal components.

If enhanced-safety electrical devices have అంతర్గతంగా సురక్షితం circuits or systems, these should be separately arranged from non-intrinsically safe circuits. Non-intrinsically safe circuits must be housed in a compartment with at least an IP30 rating, marked with a warning: “Do not open while powered!”

The enclosure of enhanced-safety electrical equipment is vital for protecting internal components from external interference and ensuring the insulation performance of the circuitry remains intact, hence the termenhanced-safety enclosure.



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