23 ఇయర్ ఇండస్ట్రియల్ పేలుడు-ప్రూఫ్ తయారీదారు

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

WhatAretheAdvantagesofExplosion-ProofPositivePressureCabinets|పనితీరు లక్షణాలు

పనితీరు లక్షణాలు

పేలుడు-ప్రూఫ్ పాజిటివ్ ప్రెజర్ క్యాబినెట్‌ల ప్రయోజనాలు ఏమిటి

1. Versatile Structure:

The design of explosion-proof positive pressure cabinets can be tailored to specific needs, allowing for various configurations such as vertical, horizontal, or console-style layouts.

పేలుడు ప్రూఫ్ పాజిటివ్ ప్రెజర్ క్యాబినెట్-1

2. Stable Performance:

Based on explosion-proof principles, while an explosion is permissible in flameproof engines, it is not in positive pressure engines. ఈ విధంగా, in flameproof types, an explosion can damage components. దీనికి విరుద్ధంగా, సానుకూల ఒత్తిడి types will cut off the power supply without damaging components when pressure is lost.

3. High Feasibility:

For large-sized components, జ్వాల నిరోధక design is not feasible, making explosion-proof positive pressure cabinets a suitable choice. This is because, for larger components, implementing positive pressure explosion protection is easier compared to flameproof methods.

4. Touch Screen Compatibility:

Equipped with touch screens that require finger operation, which is unfeasible in flameproof models, explosion-proof positive pressure cabinets can utilize non-explosion-proof touch screens.

5. Exceptional Cooling Ability:

Explosion-proof positive pressure cabinets can achieve cooling through increased ventilation or by installing screen cabinets with coolers, explosion-proof air conditioners, and other methods.



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