1. Баъди монтаж, маҳсулот бояд ба ҳама меъёрҳои мушаххаси иҷроиш мувофиқи мушаххасоти тарроҳии он мувофиқат кунад.
2. Пайдарҳамии равандҳои васлкунӣ бояд ба тартиб дароварда ва мантиқан ташкил карда шавад.
3. Efforts should be made to reduce the duration for transferring components between stages and to decrease the extent of manual labor involved.
4. The overall time taken for assembly should be minimized.
5. The costs associated with the assembly process should be lowered.
These are baseline requirements. For distinct products, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough analysis of their unique aspects and develop a process that adheres to these principles, particularly important in large-scale production scenarios.