1. Аввал, сабабро муайян кунед, то бубинед, ки оё мушкилот аз ҷараёни аз ҳад зиёд ё мушкилоти дохилӣ бо нури аз таркиш тобовар аст.
2. Ҳангоми ҷудо кардани чароғ, Кафолат додани симхоро таъмин намуда, онхоро ба канале, ки бо стопор махкам карда шудааст, гузоред, as sparks can be extremely dangerous in areas like wheel polishing workshops.
3. Don’t rush to disassemble the light. Contact the нури ба таркиш тобовар seller first. If it’s within the warranty period, the seller will guide you on how to handle it.
4. Одатан, the first step is to open it and check. 80% of explosion-proof light failures are due to the power supply and bulbs. If water gets in during installation, the bulbs can сӯзондан берун. If the power supply is faulty, you can send it to the seller for replacement. If the bulbs are also burnt out, then it can only be sent back to the seller for repair.