1. Te tapihaa manureva e te tapihaa o te tauraa manureva:
Ia peni ana'e oia i te mau manureva tivira e te nuu e tae noa ' tu i te mau tauihaa no te manureva, e faatupuhia te mau auauahi e te mau ata. I te mau tauraa manureva, no roto mai i te mana o te mori arahu, Te atuaturaa, te mau tauihaa no te faateitei, e riro mai ei tumu no te hoê ohipa e nehenehe e tupu mai. No reira, E titau te mau matini e faaohipahia i roto i teie mau vahi tupitaraa i te hoê hi'opo'araa no te arai i te paainaraa o te manureva.
2. Te mori arahu e te tapihaa o te mori arahu:
E faaohipa-rahi-hia te mau tauihaa no te tamarû i te hinu e te mǎhu natura Te mau nota. No te mau tauihaa i nia i te tahua, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te E mea faufaa rahi roa te mau rave'a no te parururaa i te mau matini. Te mau ravea no te faauta i te mau tauihaa, Te mau nota, e e mea ti'a i te mau taata ia ite i te mau mea e tupu mai i roto i te mau vahi haapiipiiraa.
3. Te tapihaa o te mau tao'a tahi ora:
I roto i te hamaniraa i te mau tao'a taa ê, te vai ra e rave rau mau tao'a taero. Te mau mana'o tauturu no te and explosive chemicals are used throughout the production process, from standard products to oil and gas products. Materials handling equipment used in this environment must be explosion-proof.
4. Pharmaceutical Industry:
Manufacturing environments in pharmaceutical plants contain flammable and explosive dust. Production equipment must be strictly controlled to ensure these devices do not become ignition sources. Explosion-proof equipment ensures these devices operate safely in such environments.
5. Paint Industry:
Materials used in paint production are flammable and explosive. From production workshops, storage to post-production waste management, the paint industry involves explosion-proof protection.
6. Automotive Industry:
The painting process generates high-ignition fumes and vapors, used to protect the painting process of cars, light trucks, buses, and commercial vehicles.
7. Chemical Industry:
The chemical industry, from production and storage to warehousing and transportation, operates in potentially explosive environments. Chemical plants require explosion-proof equipment for handling materials, production processes, and equipment maintenance.