Parameter i te pae o te mau ravea aravihi
Tapa'o faaite no te haapapûraa | Te faito o te parururaa | Te mau niuniu afa'ifa'i | Te mau nota |
Ex db IIC T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db | IP54 | Φ10~Φ14 Φ15~Φ23 | NPT3/4 NPT1 1/4 |
Te mau tuhaa taa ê o te tauihaa
1. I roto i te huru haaparareraa o te poroi, te vai ra te A B. C, D e maha huru: No2.8~500 A-type transmission, Aita e vai ra te A-type e te C-type transmissions, e No8-12 faaohiparaa C Te vai nei e piti huru haaparareraa i roto i te Type D, Aita 16-20 Ua farii i te B-type transmission;
2. Te numera o te feia mata'ita'i i te numera 2.8A-6A te rahiraa o te mau mea e vai ra i roto i te impeller, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, te mata'i i roto i te reva, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, e te tahi atu mau tuhaa, No6C e Aita. 8-20 eiaha noa te faanahoraa i ni'a nei, e tuhaa atoa râ ta te;
3. Impeller: te hohoàà no 10 Te mau tipi i muri mai i te mau matini faataui mata'i, Api tapo'i no te huira, e te mau pehe no muri mai, hamanihia i te mereti auri aore ra te aluminum alloy. I muri a'e i te faatitiaifaroraa ma te itoito e te aifaito e te mau tamatamataraa rahi i te pae no te tâpûraa, e aravihi rahi to'na, Te hoê tâpûraa mǎrû e, e te tere-maitai-raa na ni'a i te manureva;
4. Te mau nohoraa: Hamanihia i roto e piti huru taa ê, i rotopu i te reira: No2.8~12 casings are made as a whole and cannot be disassembled. The No16~20 casing is made into a three open type, which is divided horizontally into two halves. The upper half is vertically divided into two halves along the centerline and connected with bolts for easy insertion or removal of the impeller during installation and maintenance;
5. Air inlet: Made into a complete structure and installed on the side of the fan, with a curved section parallel to the axis, the function is to allow the airflow to smoothly enter the impeller with minimal loss;
6. Transmission: composed of spindle, bearing box, rolling bearings, pulley or coupling;
7. Te mau auri e aore râ, te mau niuniu afa'ifa'i, e te Te mau nota screws inside and outside the motor casing;
Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa
1. E tano te reira i te mau vahi i Zone 1 e Zone 2 o te Te mau mana'o tauturu no te Te mau mǎhu e ha;
2. E tano te reira i te mau vahi i Zone 21 e 22 o te Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa Te mau mana'o tauturu no te;
3. Te mau Mana'o Tauturu no te Haapiiraa e te A, Te mau mǎhu taero e te mau mǎhu taero;
4. Faaohipahia i ni'a i te T1-T4 anuvera pŭpŭ;
5. E faaohipa - rahi - hia te reira no te tamâ i te mori arahu, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, Te mau parau papa'i, Te vahi titoraa mori e te tahi atu mau vahi atâta, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, Te mau vairaa mori arahu e te tahi atu mau vahi;
6. I roto i te fare e i rapae.