24 Matahiti 2012

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

ExplosionProofLightBED80-II|Te mau hotu

Te turamaraa i te maramarama/BED80/

Te turamaraa i te maramarama i ni'a i te RO'i80-II

Huru:Te turamaraa i te maramarama


Te mau nota:Ex db IIC T6 Gb; Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db

IP Rating:IP66

Numera o te hoho'a:BED80-II

Te mana o te mori(W): 250 / 260 / 270 / 280 / 290 / 300 / 310 / 320 / 330 / 340 / 350 / 360

Te peni tamau: Uouo mahanahana / Ahu uouo to'eto'e

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa(Matahiti):5-Matahiti

Vahi no te haamataraa:Zhejiang, Taina

Te mau ravea no te tuu i te mana'(V):220V 380V

Faito kilo (kilo):13.9

Te anuvera o te û(CCT):2700-6500k

Te anuvera o te ohipa(°C):-20~40

Faahororaa no te mau hoho'a peni(Ra):80

Te aravihi o te mori(lm/w):120

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Parameter i te pae o te mau ravea aravihi

Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.

Te hoho'a e te faataaraaTapa'o faaite no te haapapûraaNo roto mai i te maramaramaHuru lamepaMana (W)Te ma'i hupe (Lm)Te anuvera o te û (k)Te faito teiaha (Te mau mana'o tauturu no te)
BED80-□Ex db IIC T6 Gb
Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db

Rated voltage/frequencyTe mau notaTe mau niuniu afa'ifa'iTe faito o te parururaaTe faito o te patoiraa i te tutae auri

Taime haamataraa ru (S)Taime faaanaanataeraa (h)Mana no te mau taime rû (100W)Mana no te mau taime rû (W)Taime faaanaanataeraa mana'o (Te mau mana'o tauturu no te)

Te mau tuhaa taa ê o te tauihaa

1. PLC (power line carrier communication) technology;

2. Broadband power line carrier communication technology is adopted, and existing power lines are used to realize communication without additional wiring, so as to reduce the construction cost; High communication speed, peak value of physical layer The speed can reach 0.507Mbit/s; OFDM modulation technology is used, with strong anti-interference capability;

3. Support automatic fast networking, complete networking in 10s, and support up to 15 levels of relay, with long communication distance;

4. The success rate of primary network connection is above 99.9%;

5. Realize the collection and reporting of input and output current/voltage, active power, apparent power, electric quantity, power factor, anuvera, switch light status and other data;

6. High precision data acquisition scheme, meeting the national electricity meter measurement standards;

7. Support the temperature detection of the controller, and monitor the ambient temperature in real time;

8. It has the functions of overcurrent/overvoltage/undervoltage, te parururaa rahi roa a'e, lamp condition and line detection, default lighting, e te tahi atu â;

9. Support various user-defined network analysis data collection functions;

10. Load lightweight system RTOS, support data concurrent fault-tolerant function, cell reselection, and cross frequency networking;

11. Support zero crossing detection switch lamp;

12. Automatically execute cloud configuration strategy locally in case of network anomaly/no network status;

13. It supports timing on/off and time control mode.

Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.
Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.
explosion proof light bed80-ii-8
Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.

Te mau faito o te mau tapao

explosion proof light bed80 installation dimensions

Serial NoTe faataaraa e te hi'oraaTe huru o te fare moriTe mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa (W)Φ(Te mau mana'o tauturu no te)h(Te mau mana'o tauturu no te)A(Te mau mana'o tauturu no te)

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa

1. E tano te reira i te mau vahi i Zone 1 e Zone 2 o te Te mau mana'o tauturu no te Te mau mǎhu e ha;

2. E tano te reira i te mau vahi i Zone 21 e 22 o te Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa Te mau mana'o tauturu no te;

3. Te mau Mana'o Tauturu no te Haapiiraa e te A, Te mau mǎhu taero e te mau mǎhu taero;

4. E tano no te mau pŭpŭ T1~ T6 anuvera;

5. E faaohipahia te reira i ni'a i te mau opuaraa e te mau vahi e mea fifi te atuaturaa e te monoraa;

6. E faaohipa - rahi - hia te reira no te turama i te mori arahu, Tamâraa i te hinu, Te tapihaa o te mau tao'a taero, Vahi titoraa mori, Te mau parau papa'i, haaputuraa maa, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, Te mau vairaa mori arahu e te tahi atu mau vahi.

company profile-2 Piha hi'opo'araa ta tatou parau faahanahanaraaFaaiteiteraa

Q: Te rave ra anei outou i te ohipa aore ra te hoo ra anei outou i te hoê taiete tapi?
A: E fare hamaniraa tauihaa matou e te horo'a nei matou i te mau tauturu. Ta tatou mau tao'a matamua o te mau mori purapura ïa, Afata opereraa buka, Te mau niuniu afa'ifa'i, Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai., Te afata no te parururaa e te pato'iraa i te taata & Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa & Te mau mori no te parururaa.

Q: Eaha te mau parau faaite ta outou e mau nei?
A: Ua tere tatou na ni'a i te e'a, TE MAU NOTA, e i te mau fenua e rave rahi.

Q: Eaha te vahi e faaohipahia ai ta outou mau tao'a i roto i te?
A: Te faaohipa - rahi - hia nei te reira i roto i te mau tao'a taero petroleum, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, Te mana no te hamaniraa i te uira, te purumu auri, Te mau nota, Te paturaa i te pahi, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, hamaniraa uaina, te aroraa i te auahi, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, Te vahi titoraa mori e te tahi atu mau fare hamaniraa tauihaa.

Q: E nehenehe anei ta'u e farii i te hoê hi'oraa?
A: E, te farii popou nei tatou i te mau faaueraa no te hi'opo'a e no te hi'opo'a i te huru maitai. E fariihia te mau hoho'a anoi.

Q: E nehenehe anei ta outou e ite i te reira?
A: E. A faaara mai na ia matou e a haapapû mai i te hoho'a i niuhia i ni'a i to matou hi'oraa.

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa

Hou te tahuti nei:

I muri iho:

A imi i te hoê faahitiraa parau ?