24 سال کا صنعتی دھماکہ پروف مینوفیکچرر

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SolidInsulationMaterialsforIncreasedSafetyElectricalEquipment|تکنیکی تفصیلات

تکنیکی خصوصیات

بڑھتی ہوئی حفاظتی برقی آلات کے لیے ٹھوس موصلیت کا مواد

تقابلی ٹریکنگ انڈیکس کی بنیاد پر (سی ٹی آئی), بہتر حفاظتی برقی آلات میں استعمال ہونے والے ٹھوس موصلیت کے مواد کو تین درجوں میں درجہ بندی کیا جا سکتا ہے۔: میں, II, اور IIa, جیسا کہ ٹیبل میں دکھایا گیا ہے۔ 1.9. GB/T کے مطابق 4207-2012 “ٹھوس موصل مواد کے الیکٹریکل ٹریکنگ انڈیکس کے تعین کے طریقے,” a grading of commonly used insulation materials is provided, as detailed in Table 1.10.

ٹھوس موصلیت کا مواد

Material levelCompared to Traceability Index (سی ٹی آئی)

Beyond this material classification, the insulation materials must also meet operational temperature requirements. If enhanced-safety electrical equipment operates under permissible abnormal conditions at its rated operational state, its maximum working درجہ حرارت should not adversely affect its mechanical and electrical properties. اس لیے, the stable temperature of the insulation material should be at least 20°C higher than the equipment’s maximum operating temperature, and not lower than 80°C.
Material levelInsulation material
میںGlazed ceramics, mica, glass
IIMelamine asbestos arc resistant plastic, silicone organic stone arc resistant plastic, unsaturated polyester group material
IIIAPolytetrafluoroethylene plastic, melamine glass fiber plastic, epoxy glass cloth board with surface treated with arc resistant paint

Designers can select the appropriate insulation materials based on the working voltage of the electrical equipment and other related requirements. If the aforementioned materials do not meet the design needs, other materials can be tested and graded as per the standard test method (GB/T 4207-2012).

It’s important to note that “ٹھوس موصلیت کا مواد” refer to materials that are solid during operation. Some materials, which are liquid at the time of supply and solidify upon application, are also considered solid insulation materials, such as insulating varnishes.



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