23 Yil sanoat portlashdan himoyalangan ishlab chiqaruvchi

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

AdvantagesofVariableFrequencyExplosion-ProofAirConditioners|Ishlash xususiyatlari

Ishlash xususiyatlari

O'zgaruvchan chastotali portlashdan himoyalangan konditsionerlarning afzalliklari

Davr o'sib borishi bilan, konditsionerlar an'anaviydan portlashdan himoyalangan modellarga o'tdi, va bu ilg'or birliklarning chastotasi ham xuddi shunday rivojlangan. Ammo inverterli konditsionerlar an'anaviy portlashdan himoyalangan hamkasblari bilan solishtirganda qanday farq qiladi? Quyida, biz inverter portlashdan himoyalangan konditsionerlarning bir nechta takomillashtirilgan himoya rejimlarini o'rganamiz, which ensure safer and more efficient operation during everyday use.

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1. Overheat Protection for Indoor Heat Exchangers:

When operating in heating mode, slow fan speeds or clogged filters can hinder heat dissipation from the indoor coil, causing the heat exchanger’s surface harorat to rise. This scenario not only decreases heating efficiency but may also lead to equipment overheating. Shuning uchun, inverter explosion-proof air conditioners incorporate comprehensive overheat protection for indoor heat exchangers. The system restricts compressor frequency increase when room temperature exceeds 53°C; it reduces compressor frequency and operates the outdoor fan motor at low speed when it surpasses 56°C; and it halts the compressor and activates overheat or overload protection when temperatures exceed 65°C. These critical temperature thresholds are monitored and alerted through display panels, indikator chiroqlari, and buzzers.

1. Compressor Overcurrent Protection:

To safeguard against excessive operating currents that could damage the compressor’s motor windings, inverter explosion-proof air conditioners are equipped with robust overcurrent protection. During the cooling phase, if the compressor’s current hits 9.6A, the system’s microprocessor triggers a control signal to prevent frequency increase; at 11.5A, it signals to reduce frequency; and at 13.6A, it activates a protective signal to cease the compressor’s operation. Similar protocols apply during the heating phase, with specific current thresholds set at 13.5A, 15.4A, and 18A, mos ravishda. Each of these critical stages is prominently signaled to the user through display panels, indikator chiroqlari, and buzzers for heightened awareness and safety.



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