Portlashdan himoyalangan chiroqlar suv o'tkazmaydigan bo'lishi shart emas.
Olovga chidamlilik printsipi (yopiq) portlashdan himoyalangan chiroqlar portlovchi gazlardan ateşleme manbasini izolyatsiya qilishdir. Ularning korpuslari to'liq yopilmagan va kichik bo'shliqlarga ega. Bu bo'shliqlar portlashning oldini olishda hal qiluvchi rol o'ynaydi; as the olov passes through these narrow spaces, it encounters resistance and heat dissipation, reducing the heat to levels insufficient to ignite explosives. For requirements that demand both explosion-proof and suv o'tkazmaydigan; suvga chidamli qobiliyatlar, ensure the casing’s protection rating is specified as IP65 or IP66.