24 Yil sanoat portlashdan himoyalangan ishlab chiqaruvchi

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

AssemblyProceduresforExplosion-ProofElectricalEquipment|Texnik spetsifikatsiyalar

Texnik spetsifikatsiyalar

Portlashdan himoyalangan elektr jihozlarini yig'ish tartiblari

O'rnatish tartibi o'rnatilgandan so'ng, yig'ish sifatini kafolatlash uchun yig'ish jarayonlarini aniqlash muhim ahamiyatga ega.

portlashdan himoyalangan elektr jihozlari-10

Asosiy tamoyillar:

1. Jarayonlarning markazlashtirilgan yoki tarqalish darajasini aniq baholang.

2. Jarayonning har bir bosqichini unga bog'liq vazifalar bilan mantiqiy ravishda aniqlang.

3. Provide a succinct description of each assembly operation, such as the methods for safeguarding explosion-proof surfaces and achieving compatibility in explosion-proof structures.

4. Clearly specify the assembly criteria, inspection details, techniques, and tools for each step.

5. Set the time quota for each individual process.

The criteria and details of the assembly procedures are tailored based on the volume of the products and the requirements of the assembly. For single items or small batches, the process can be streamlined provided it meets the assembly requirements. Farqli o'laroq, for large-scale production, assembly procedures should be meticulously structured following these fundamental principles.



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