24 Yil sanoat portlashdan himoyalangan ishlab chiqaruvchi

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

ExplosionProofMotorVoltageSelection|Texnik spetsifikatsiyalar

Texnik spetsifikatsiyalar

Portlashdan himoyalangan vosita kuchlanishini tanlash

Yaqin o'tkan yillarda, energiyani tejash va tarmoqdagi quvvat yo'qotilishini kamaytirish uchun, 3KV er osti portlashdan himoyalangan motorlardan foydalanish neft-kimyo va ko'mir qazib olish kabi sohalarda asosiy shaft shamollatish uchun tobora ko'proq qabul qilinmoqda.. There’s a growing trend towards choosing LOKV explosion-proof electrical equipment with decreasing power ratings. Some manufacturers have even received orders for LOKV units ranging from 110 to 160KW. Biroq, producing LOKV with such lower power ratings increases both the manufacturing costs and difficulties.

portlashga qarshi vosita
When IIA low-voltage explosion-proof motors operate at a frequency of 60Hz, their rated voltage is adjusted to 460V. This transition is easily achieved by domestic portlashga qarshi vosita manufacturers from their existing 50Hz products.



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