1. Qo'llash doirasi
There’s little difference between explosion-proof and regular air conditioners in terms of functionality – ikkalasi ham sovutishni ta'minlaydi, isitish, va namlikni yo'qotish. Biroq, ular turli muhitlar uchun mo'ljallangan. Portlashdan himoyalangan qurilmalar sanoat maydonchalari kabi murakkab sozlamalarga javob beradi, harbiy inshootlar, va yoqilg'i omborlari, while standard air conditioners are ideal for public spaces like hospitals, malls, and schools.
2. Structural and Performance Features
Explosion-proof air conditioners feature a robust explosion-proof structure, offering superior corrosion resistance, particularly in environments with corrosive and portlovchi gazlar. They are equipped with international compressors known for their low noise and longevity. Bundan tashqari, they employ a composite explosion-proof design with extensive protections against overheating and overpressure, ensuring safety from potential hazards.
3. Manufacturing and Distribution
Production and distribution of explosion-proof air conditioners are strictly regulated and require a production license, unlike their regular counterparts. This underscores the heightened scrutiny and standards involved in the manufacturing and selling of explosion-proof air conditioners.