Birinchidan, uchta qurilma ham chang portlashidan himoya qilish uchun mo'ljallangan va ikkilamchi portlashdan himoyalangan uskunalar toifasiga kiradi. Portlashdan himoyalangan ko'rsatkichlar quyidagicha: AT < BT < KT.
Vaziyat toifasi | Gaz tasnifi | Reprezentativ gazlar | Minimal yonish uchqun energiyasi |
Kon ostida | I | Metan | 0.280mJ |
Kondan tashqaridagi zavodlar | IIA | Propan | 0.180mJ |
IIB | Etilen | 0.060mJ | |
IIC | Vodorod | 0.019mJ |
CT devices feature a superior dust-proof rating and may be utilized in areas designated for AT and BT. Biroq, AT and BT devices are not suitable for areas that require CT standards.
Boshqa so'zlar bilan aytganda, CT devices can substitute for AT and BT, but AT and BT devices cannot substitute for CT.