23 Yil sanoat portlashdan himoyalangan ishlab chiqaruvchi

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WhatAretheVariousMarkingsonExplosion-ProofElectricalEquipment|Texnik spetsifikatsiyalar

Texnik spetsifikatsiyalar

Portlashdan himoyalangan elektr jihozlarida qanday belgilar mavjud

Explosion-proof markings on electrical equipment represent the specific explosion-proof construction employed in these devices.

Portlashga qarshi turGaz portlashdan himoyalangan belgiChang portlashdan himoyalangan belgi
O'z-o'zidan xavfsiz turia,ib,tushunarliia,ib,tushunarli,iD
Barotrop turipx,py,pz,pxb,pyb,pZcp;pb,kompyuter,pD
Kengaytirilgan xavfsizlik turie,eb/
Olovga chidamli turid,db/
Yog 'moyga botirilgan turio/
Qum bilan to'ldirilgan qolipq,qb/
Maxsus turS/
Qobiq himoya turi/qaragan,tb,tc,tD

These identifiers encompass a range of types, such as flameproof “d”, xavfsizlikni oshirdi “e”, ichki xavfsizlik “i”, moyga botiriladi “o”, qum bilan to'ldirilgan “q”, kapsulalangan “m”, turi “n”, special type “s”, and designs for dust explosion-proofing, Boshqalar orasida.



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