24 Year Industrial Explosion-Proof Manufacturer

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Which Has the Highest Explosion-Proof Level

Explosion-proof classification: The IIC level is the highest, encompassing the applications of IIB and IIA; IIB exceeds IIA in ranking.

Class And LevelIgnition Temperature And Group
IIAEthane, Propane, Acetone, Phenethyl, Ene, Aminobenzene, Toluene, Benzene, Ammonia, Carbon Monoxide, Ethyl Acetate, Acetic AcidButane, Ethanol, Propylene, Butanol, Acetic Acid, Butyl Ester, Amyl Acetate Acetic AnhydridePentane, Hexane, Heptane, Decane, Octane, Gasoline, Hydrogen Sulfide, Cyclohexane, Gasoline, Kerosene, Diesel, PetroleumEther, Acetaldehyde, TrimethylamineEthyl Nitrite
IIBPropylene, Acetylene, Cyclopropane, Coke Oven GasEpoxy Z-Alkane, Epoxy Propane, Butadiene, EthyleneDimethyl Ether, Isoprene, Hydrogen SulfideDiethylether, Dibutyl Ether
IICWater Gas, HydrogenAcetyleneCarbon DisulfideEthyl Nitrate

Maximum surface temperature: This refers to the highest temperature that electrical devices can achieve under the worst specified operating conditions, potentially igniting the surrounding explosive atmosphere. The maximum surface temperature must be lower than the flammable temperature.

For instance: In environments where explosion-proof sensors are used, if the ignition temperature of the explosive gases is 100°C, then the maximum surface temperature of any component of the sensor must remain below 100°C.



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