Ukubeka amagumbi okuhambisa kwiindawo ezinokuthi zingaqhushumba akucetyiswa, njengoko inganyusi nje ixabiso lotyalo-mali kodwa ikhulisa umngcipheko weengozi.
Ngokwe “I-GB50160-2014 iMigangatho yoYilo loKhuseleko loMlilo”, Iindawo zocweyo zeKlasi A azivumelekanga kwii-ofisi zokubamba okanye kumagumbi okuhambisa. Kwiimeko apho igumbi lokuhambisa elinikezelweyo liyimfuneko, it should be placed adjacent to a wall with an imperative for the dividing wall to be explosion-proof.
Control rooms, cabinet rooms, and electrical distribution and substations ought to be situated beyond the explosion hazard zones, ensuring ample safety margins. In these areas, the electrical equipment is exempt from explosion-proof requirements. This approach is widely adopted across the majority of chemical industry facilities today.