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WhyDoExplosion-ProofFansUseAluminumImpellers|IiNgcaciso zobuGcisa

IiNgcaciso zobuGcisa

Kutheni abalandeli be-explosion-proof basebenzisa ii-Aluminium Impellers

Aluminum explosion-proof fan blades are ingeniously designed to prevent the occurrence of sparks caused by high-speed collisions between the fan impeller and the casing or air intake. Olu luyilo lubalulekile ekudambiseni iingozi zoqhushumbo.

Ubungqina bokudubula fan-4
Ngeendawo ezisebenzisa iifeni ezikhusela uqhushumbo, iimfuno zokusebenza zingqongqo. Onke amacandelo, including the motors, must adhere to explosion-proof standards, negating the possibility of open flames or sparks and thereby averting potential qhuma iingozi.



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