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+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Kutheni I-CO Iqhuma Xa Ixutywe Nomoya

Xa ikharbon monoxide ibaselwa kumxube nomoya, kunokubangela ugqabhuko-dubulo.

ukutsha kwecarbon monoxide-3
Oku kungenxa yokuxuba kwe-CO kunye ne-O2 kumlinganiselo othile ngaphakathi kwemida yokuqhuma-kufuphi nomlinganiselo we-stoichiometric ofunekayo kwi-CO2 yokwakheka.. Umxube onjalo unokubangela ukusabela ngokukhawuleza kunye nokuqina, causing the generated gases to expand swiftly and result in an explosive event.



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