“וועריאַבלע אָפטקייַט” essentially means altering the input AC’s frequency. אין דינער סעטטינגס, די נאָרמאַל עלעקטריקאַל אָפטקייַט איז 50 הז; altering this input frequency modifies the compressor’s speed. ווען אַ יקספּלאָוזשאַן-דערווייַז יקספּלאָוזשאַן-דערווייַז קאַנדישאַנער אַטשיווז די געבעטן טעמפּעראַטור, ניט ענלעך זייַן ניט-בייַטעוודיק אַנטקעגענער, it continues operating at a reduced frequency to maintain this temperature. This approach mitigates discomfort due to excessive or insufficient heat while also curbing the electrical consumption and wear associated with frequent compressor startups, achieving an ideal balance between energy efficiency and comfort.
ענערגיע עפעקטיווקייַט
On one hand, the startup frequency of variable frequency explosion-proof air conditioners is much less frequent than fixed frequency models, preventing sudden surges in electricity; on the other, the energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioner increases as the operational frequency of the direct current compressor decreases. Statistically, the energy efficiency of a full DC variable frequency air conditioner (DC compressor, DC fan) is about 50% higher than a fixed frequency one, and a regular DC variable frequency air conditioner is about 40% higher.
Rapid Cooling and Effective Heating
Variable frequency explosion-proof air conditioners, compared to centrifugal models, boast superior high-speed operation, more rapid טעמפּעראַטור adjustments within the space, and significantly increased quick cooling and heating outputs. Particularly in the sweltering heat of summer or the biting cold of winter, the ability to quickly adjust temperature is indispensable. א 1.5 horsepower variable frequency system can achieve the cooling effect of a 2 horsepower fixed frequency system if the operational range is sufficiently broad, akin to how a car’s 1.8T turbocharged technology outperforms a standard 2.0 displacement in acceleration.