23 יאָר ינדוסטריאַל יקספּלאָוזשאַן-דערווייַז מאַנופאַקטורער

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

WhatShouldYouPayAttentiontoWhenInstallingExplosion-ProofAirConditioners|ינסטאַללאַטיאָן ספּעסאַפאַקיישאַנז

ייַנמאָנטירונג ספּעסאַפאַקיישאַנז

וואָס זאָל איר באַצאָלן ופמערקזאַמקייט צו ווען איר ינסטאַלירן יקספּלאָוזשאַן-דערווייַז לופט קאַנדישאַנערז

1. Safety first, please wear a safety helmet and fasten your safety belt before outdoor work, ensure a reliable rope connection to prevent falling objects from injuring people, and be mindful of heatstroke during high-temperature operations.

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2. The platform or hanging support for the outdoor explosion-proof main unit must be firm and reliable. When making wall openings, be cautious to prevent bricks from falling at the penetration point.

3. The power switch and wire gauge of the יקספּלאָוזשאַן-דערווייַז לופט קאַנדישאַנער should have sufficient safety margin, and it’s best to hire professional air conditioning installers for installation.



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