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CanButaneGasandLiquefiedPetroleumGasBeMixed|Especificaciones técnicas

Especificaciones técnicas

Ba'ax ku páajtal xa'ak'tik le gas butano yéetel le gas licuado ti' petróleo.

Butano, Bix constituyente primario ti' le gas licuado, ti' u beyo' way, Leti' jump'éel producto gas licuado u ka'anal pureza. Ba'axten consiguiente, U búukinta'al te' noj mixto jach fundamentalmente yantio'ob, Desprovisto toopilo'ob intrínsecos.

liquefied butane steel cylinders
The primary concerns in utilizing mixed butane in liquefied gas formulations lie in managing risks associated with fire safety, explosion prevention, and leakage mitigation during the blending process.



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