24 Ja'abil Fabricante industrial u prueba explosiones

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Explosion-ProofAirConditionerSelectionPrinciples|Selección yik'áalil

Selección yik'áalil

Chúunul selección acondicionadores iik' prueba explosiones

Ku ti' le nivel centralización le yaan iik', Le kaambalilo'ob iik' acondicionado prueba explosiones ku clasifican chuunil laat'a'an ti' sistemas localizados yéetel centralizados. Le innovador bix le juntúul compacto, T.u.m jaatsatako'ob u prueba u explosiones u páajtal instalar u kin tuukul flexible ti' habitaciones iik' acondicionado wa ti' adyacentes bin bixake' k'a'abéet. Centralized systems are primarily used in extensive and multiple hazardous spaces.

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1. Te' k'íiwiko' ma'alo'ob, the selection principles for explosion-proof air conditioning systems must consider the specific environmental conditions, safety performance, and project costs. Safety considerations can be grouped into three areas:

2. When costs are comparable, priority should be given to Class IIC air conditioning products to enhance explosion-proof reliability effectively.
Select a second type of product known for superior explosion-proof performance and reliability. Favor “k'a'alij” y “Presión positivaexplosion-proof structured cooling air conditioning systems.

3. Regarding engineering costs, the principle is to consider overall costs to ensure and improve the safety of the acondicionador iik' prueba explosiones while ensuring the most cost-effective solution. In hazardous dust environments, including those with pólvora, it’s typical to use fresh air explosion-proof systems where fans interact with dust.



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