24 Ja'abil Fabricante industrial u prueba explosiones

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Explosion-ProofZone20CorrespondstotheExplosion-ProofLevel|Especificaciones técnicas

Especificaciones técnicas

Kúuchil tu'ux u prueba explosiones 20 Ichil le nivel prueba explosiones

Wa jump'éel kúuchil k'a'abet u instalación dispositivos eléctricos ti' prueba explosiones juuch'bil, le normas prueba explosiones utia'al le nu'ukulilo'ob ti' le kúuchila' 20 K'a'abéet exceder le requeridos utia'al le Zonas 21 y 22.

Kúuchil tu'ux 20Kúuchil tu'ux 21Kúuchil tu'ux 22
An explosive environment in the air that continuously appears in the form of combustible dust clouds, exists for a long time or frequently.Places where explosive environments in the air may appear or occasionally appear in the form of combustible dust clouds during normal operation.In the normal operation process, an explosive environment in the air in the form of combustible dust clouds is impossible to occur in places where the instrument exists for a short period of time.

Específicamente, tu kúuchil tu'ux 20, Chéen u permiten dispositivos intrínsecamente seguros wa encapsulados, ka' jo'op' u le dispositivos ignífugos ma' táan permitidos.



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