Bey LED, le luces prueba explosiones táan diseñadas utia'al Jech explosiones yéetel u carcasa exterior yéetel meyajo'ob prueba explosiones, Cáscara le sáasilo' k'a'ana'an especialmente a la hora de u jump'éel maano'.
1. Tsoolil jejelas u prueba explosiones:
Buka'aj asab alta je'el u calificación, Buka'aj ma'alob bixake' ma'alobil le cáscara.
2. Xooko'obo':
Most explosion-proof lights are made from aluminum alloy.
3. Thickness and Weight:
To cut costs, some companies manufacture very thin shells. Chéen ba'ale', for explosion-proof products used in environments with inflamable ka materiales explosivos, the thickness of the shell must meet national standards to ensure customer retention and safety.
4. Ja', Juuch'bil, and Corrosion Resistance:
While LED explosion-proof lights have an explosion-proof rating, some are also water, Juuch'bil, ka resistente le corrosión. Le nivel protección (water and dust resistance) of most fixtures reaches IP65.
5. Disipación ooxoj:
The shell uses a patented tri-cavity independent design structure, with a transparent body that facilitates air convection, has small contact surfaces, and offers a large area for heat dissipation.