U wíinkilal noj bejo' le nu'ukulil eléctrico u prueba u explosiones le chika'an, Durable, ka chika'an marcados. Le placa ku ye'esik táan hecha materiales bey le bronce, latón, wa acero inoxidable. Le marcas Ex, Bin yano'ob ti' prueba explosiones, categoría, yéetel le múuch' temperatura táan te' relieve wa grabados bix prominente.
Le placa ku ye'esik ku taasik le uláak' a'alajil t'aan::
1. Manufacturer’s name or registered trademark.
2. The manufacturer-specified product name and model.
3. The symbol Ex, indicating compliance with professional standards for Nu'ukulo'ob eléctricos u prueba explosiones in terms of explosion-proof type.
4. Symbols of the applicable Bin yano'ob ti' prueba explosiones, such as o for oil-filled, p for pressurized, q for sand-filled, d for flameproof, e for increased safety, ia for Class A intrinsic safety, ib for Class B intrinsic safety, m for encapsulated, n for non-sparking, s for special types not listed above.
5. Symbol of electrical equipment category; I for mining electrical equipment, yéetel le temperatura group or maximum surface temperature (in Celsius) for IIA, IIB, IIC class equipment.
6. Temperature group or maximum surface temperature (in Celsius) for Class II equipment.
7. Product number (except for connection accessories and devices with very small surface areas).
8. Inspection unit mark; if the inspection unit specifies special conditions of use, the symbol “x” is added after the qualification number.
9. Additional markings.