Le tu'ux ku yaantal ti' le máabeno' kaambalil yo'osal u prueba explosiones k'a'ana'an yaantal u asab naats'il páajtal, Reducción le gasto xooko'obo' auxiliar en función de le ba'ax u edificio in situ. Adicionalmente, the box’s installation site should ideally not interfere with areas frequently accessed by people to avoid future inconveniences in movement.
Beey xan, K'a'ana'an situar u ti' le uláak' kin tuukul far from areas heavily storing flammable and explosive materials as possible, to prevent the heat generated by the box’s operation from affecting the goods. Finalmente, the wiring for the máabeno' kaambalil yo'osal u prueba explosiones should be arranged in areas that are easily accessible for maintenance, with a layout that facilitates electricians’ work, incorporating both concealed and exposed wiring.