Tuláakal le luminarias LED antideflagrantes requieren u búukinta'al elementos transparentes. Utia'al garantizar ka'anal transmitancia sáasil, Le grosor le pak'o' le elementos transparentes ma' k'a'ana'an u jach grueso. Resistencia le xooko'obo' le elementos jach ku jach menor u le u le páajtal a metálicas, Especialmente le vidrio, which is a vulnerable aspect of the protective casing and should be given special attention.
1. Material Selection:
Transparent components should be made from glass or other materials with stable chemical and physical properties. For transparent parts made of plastic, in addition to transparency, they must also meet the thermal stability and surface resistivity requirements of plastic casings.
2. Temperature Variability:
The transparent parts of explosion-proof lights can reduce the severity of changes in hot and cold tests unless specified impact tests are required.
3. Strength Enhancement:
To enhance the strength of transparent glass components, tempering is commonly used to increase the pre-stress between frictions. Glass that can be heated and formed after vitrification is softened and then rapidly and uniformly cooled. The glass surface can also be treated chemically.
4. Thickness Control:
Controlling the thickness of glass covers for explosion-proof lights during the manufacturing process is challenging and difficult to visually assess. To ensure uniform strength of the glass cover, a glass thickness gauge can be used for measurements.