Le órganos supervisión u minería le chúuko' abarcan: le Oficina ku Supervisión ti' le chúuko', Oficina le chúuko', Póopil u Supervisión ti' le Seguridad, Departamento u lu'umil yéetel nu'ukulo'ob, Comercial, Tributación, Auditoría, ka agencias ti' protección ambiental.
De acuerdo con le mandatos legales pertinentes, le departamento ma'alo'ob meyaj beetik u le chúuko' le tsolxikin u noj supervisa ka regula legalmente le industria nacional ti' le chúuko'. Relevant departments under the State Council are tasked with supervising and managing the coal industry. Coal administration departments of people’s governments at the county level and above are legally responsible for supervising and managing the coal industry within their respective administrative areas.