隨著時代嘅進步, 空調已由傳統型號過渡到防爆型號, 呢啲先進單位嘅頻率都發生變化. 但是,與傳統嘅防爆冷氣相比,變頻冷氣如何脫穎而出? 下面, 我哋深入研究咗變頻防爆冷氣嘅幾種增強保護模式, 確保喺日常使用中更安全、更高效地運行.
1. 室內熱交換器嘅過熱保護:
在加熱模式下運行時, 風扇速度慢或過濾器堵塞會阻礙室內盤管的散熱, 導致熱交換器表面 溫度 崛起. 呢種情況不僅會降低加熱效率,仲可能導致設備過熱. 因此, 變頻防爆冷氣為室內熱交換器提供全面嘅過熱保護. 当室溫超過53°C時,系統限制壓縮機頻率嘅增加; 它降低了壓縮機頻率,並喺室外風扇電機超過56°C時以低速運行; 当溫度超過65°C時,它會停止壓縮機並激活過熱或過載保護. 呢啲臨界溫度閾值透過顯示面板進行監控和警報, 指示燈, 同蜂鳴器.
1. 壓縮機過流保護:
防止可能損壞壓縮機電機繞組嘅過大工作電流, 變頻防爆冷氣配備強大嘅過電流保護. 冷卻階段, 如果壓縮機嘅電流達到9.6A, the system’s microprocessor triggers a control signal to prevent frequency increase; at 11.5A, it signals to reduce frequency; and at 13.6A, it activates a protective signal to cease the compressor’s operation. Similar protocols apply during the heating phase, with specific current thresholds set at 13.5A, 15.4一個, and 18A, respectively. Each of these critical stages is prominently signaled to the user through display panels, 指示燈, and buzzers for heightened awareness and safety.