防爆冷氣, 配備冷卻裝置, 加熱, 同自動除霜功能, 對壓縮機和風扇進行專門嘅防爆處理,並採用全面嘅防爆設計. 呢啲裝置主要用于石油等行業, 化學嘅, 藥, 科研, 和軍隊.
1. Ventilation
Upon activating the ventilation mode, only the indoor fan motor and damper function according to the preset settings. If the fan speed is set to auto, the indoor fan motor will operate at a reduced speed.
2. Dehumidification
In dehumidification mode, 溫度 settings are adjusted via remote control. The air conditioner’s mode of operation is determined by comparing the indoor temperature to the preset temperature. If the room temperature is more than 2℃ above the set value, it cools; if it’s more than 2℃ below, it dehumidifies.
3. Defrosting
After running in heating mode for over 30 minutes and when the outdoor temperature is 9℃ greater than that of the outdoor heat exchanger, the air conditioner enters defrost mode post microprocessor analysis. The defrost sequence includes halting the compressor and outdoor fan motor. The four-way valve then cuts off the power, allowing the system to cool for 5 秒. When the compressor’s run-time exceeds 6 minutes and the surface temperature of the outdoor heat exchanger rises above 12℃, the compressor ceases operation, leading to the final defrosting stage.