滿足市場需求, 防爆櫃廠家進一步細化其主流機型, 包括顏色同大小嘅變化.
Power distribution cabinets
Lighting distribution cabinets
Power testing cabinets
Control cabinets
Socket cabinets
Categorization by Power Type:
高壓和低壓 (通常分為380V同220V) for strong electric cabinets
Weak electric cabinets (generally safe voltage, below 42V), such as fire weak electric cabinets, broadcast multimedia distribution cabinets
Categorization by Material:
1. Aluminum alloy
2. 304 不銹鋼
3. Carbon steel (鋼板焊接)
4. Engineering plastics and fiberglass
Categorization by Structure:
Panel type, 箱型, cabinet type
Categorization by Installation Method:
Surface-mounted (wall-hanging), 嵌入式 (in-wall), floor-standing
Categorization by Usage Environment:
Indoor, 戶外嘅
The above are the categorization methods for explosion-proof distribution cabinets, compiled to assist in your selection process.