防爆等級, 溫度等級, 防爆型, 同適用嘅區域標記係評價防爆電氣設備嘅重要因素. 此信息用于描述防爆等級, 設備可以安全運行嘅溫度範圍, 提供嘅防爆類型, 以及設備適用嘅指定區域.
以Ex demo IIC T6 GB為例
根據第 29 GB3836.1-2010標準, 噉係 防爆電氣設備 承擔獨特嘅 “前任” 在其外部主體嘅搶眼位置進行標記. 此外, 設備嘅銘牌必須顯示必要嘅防爆標誌以及驗證其嘅認證編號
防爆電氣設備顯示嘅防爆類型決定了具體 爆炸物 危險區域.
防爆型 | 防爆型標識 | 筆記 |
隔爆型 | d | |
增安型 | e | |
加壓 | p | |
本質安全型 | 國際局 | |
本質安全型 | IB | |
油侵入型 | o | |
沙子填充類型 | q | |
膠粘劑密封型 | m | |
N型 | n | 保護級別分為MA同MB. |
SpeciaL型 | s | 分類包括nA, 星期日, 同n凹類型 |
注意: 下表展示咗電氣設備嘅常見防爆類型, 提出各種防爆方法的組合,形成混合防爆類型.
例如, 名稱 “Ex demb” 表示電氣設備嘅混合防爆類型, 結合 隔爆, 提高安全性, 同封裝方法.
在爆炸性氣體和 易燃嘅 蒸氣與空氣結合形成爆炸性氣體混合物, 根據危險程度建立了三個區域分類:
區 0 (稱為區域 0): 爆炸性氣體持續混合嘅地方, 經常, 或在正常情況下持續存在.
區 1 (稱為區域 1): 喺正常情況下可能出現爆炸性氣體混合物嘅地方.
區 2 (稱為區域 2): 在正常情況下預計唔會發生爆炸性氣體混合物嘅地點, 但可能僅在異常情況下短暫出現.
注意: 正常情況係指正常啟動, 關閉, 操作, 同設備維護, 当異常情況與潛在嘅設備故障有關時,或
氣體組 | 最大測試安全間隙MESG (毫米) | 最小點火電流比MICR |
國際投資協定 | MESG≥0.9 | 微>0.8 |
IIB公司 | 0.9>MESG>0.5 | 0.8≥MICR≥0.45 |
IIC公司 | 0.5≥MESG | 0.45> MICR |
注意: 考慮到我國嘅具體情況, E-Type嘅使用 (提高安全性) 電氣設備僅限於區域 1, 允許:
唔會產生火花嘅接線盒同接線盒, 弧, or hazardous temperatures during regular operation are classified as either d or m types for the body and e type for the wiring section.
例如, the explosion protection designation of the BPC8765 LED explosion-proof platform light is Ex demb IIC T6 GB. The light source compartment is flameproof (d), the driver circuit section is encapsulated (兆字節), and the wiring compartment features 提高安全性 (e) for explosion-proof construction. As per the aforementioned specifications, this light can be used in Zone 1.
The equipment category of an explosion-proof electrical device determines its suitability for specific explosive gas environments.
Explosion-proof equipment is defined as electrical devices that, under specified conditions, do not ignite the surrounding explosive environment.
因此, products labeled with the aforementioned explosion-proof designation (EX demb IIC) are exclusively suitable for all explosive gas environments, excluding coal mines and underground areas.
The gas group of an explosion-proof electrical device determines its compatibility with specific explosive gas mixtures.
Definition of Gas Group:
In all explosive gas environments, except for coal mines and underground areas (即, environments suitable for Class II electrical equipment), explosive gases are categorized into three groups, namely A, B, 同C, based on the maximum experimental safety gap or minimum ignition current ratio of the gas mixtures. The gas grouping and ignition temperature are dependent on the concentration of 可燃氣體 and air under specific environmental temperature and pressure conditions.
The relationship among explosive gas mixtures, gas groups, and the maximum experimental safety gaps or minimum ignition current ratios:
氣體組 | 最大測試安全間隙MESG (毫米) | 最小點火電流比MICR |
國際投資協定 | MESG≥0.9 | 微>0.8 |
IIB公司 | 0.9>MESG>0.5 | 0.8≥MICR≥0.45 |
IIC公司 | 0.5≥MESG | 0.45> MICR |
注意: The left table reveals that smaller values of explosive gas safety gaps or minimum current ratios correspond to higher levels of risk associated with explosive gases. 因此, there is an increased demand for stricter gas grouping requirements in explosion-proof electrical devices.
Gas groups typically associated with common explosive gases/substances:
氣體組/溫度組 | T1航站樓 | T2航站樓 | T3航站樓 | T4 | T5系列 | T6型 |
國際投資協定 | 甲醛, 甲苯, 甲酯, 乙仞, 丙烷, 丙酮, 丙烯酸, 苯, 苯乙烯, 一氧化碳, 乙酸乙酯, 醋酸, 氯苯, 乙酸甲酯, 氯 | 甲醇, 乙醇, 乙苯, 丙醇, 丙烯, 丁醇, Butyl acetate乙酸丁酯, Amyl acetate (乙酸戊酯), 環戊烷 | 戊烷, 戊醇, 己烷, 乙醇, 庚烷, 辛烷, 環己醇, 松節油, 石腦油, 石油 (包括汽油), 燃料油, 四氯化戊醇 | 乙醛, 三甲胺 | 亞硝酸乙酯 | |
IIB公司 | 丙烯酯, 二甲醚 | 丁二烯, 環氧丙烷, 乙烯 | 二甲醚, 丙烯醛, 碳化氫 | |||
IIC公司 | 氫, 水氣 | 乙仞 | 二硫化碳 | 硝酸乙酯 |
例: In the case where the hazardous substances present in an explosive gas environment are hydrogen or 乙仞, the gas group assigned to this environment is categorized as group C. 因此, the electrical equipment utilized within this setting should adhere to the gas group specifications of no less than IIC level.
In the case where the substance present in the explosive gas environment is formaldehyde, the gas group designated for this environment is classified as group A. 因此, the electrical equipment employed within this setting should adhere to the gas group specifications of at least IIA level. 然而, electrical equipment with gas group levels of IIB or IIC can also be used in this environment.
這 溫度 group assigned to an explosion-proof electrical device determines the gas environment with which it is compatible in terms of ignition temperatures.
The temperature group is defined as follows:
Temperature limits, referred to as ignition temperatures, exist for explosive gas mixtures, defining the temperature at which they can be 點燃. 因此, specific requirements govern the surface temperature of electrical equipment used within these environments, necessitating that the maximum surface temperature of the equipment does not surpass the ignition temperature. Accordingly, electrical equipment is categorized into six groups, T1-T6, based on their respective highest surface temperature.
Ignition temperature of combustible substances | The maximum surface temperature T of the equipment (°C) | 迨溫度糸組 |
t>450 | 450 | T1航站樓 |
450≥t>300 | 300 | T2航站樓 |
300≥t>200 | 200 | T3航站樓 |
200≥t>135 | 135 | T4 |
135≥t>100 | 100 | T5系列 |
100≥t>85 | 85 | T6型 |
Based on the information provided in the left table, a clear relationship can be observed between the ignition temperature of combustible substances and the corresponding temperature group requirements for explosion-proof electrical devices. 具體說來, as the ignition temperature decreases, the demands on the temperature group for the electrical devices increase.
The temperature classification correlates with the commonly encountered explosive gases/substances:
氣體組/溫度組 | T1航站樓 | T2航站樓 | T3航站樓 | T4 | T5系列 | T6型 |
國際投資協定 | 甲醛, 甲苯, 甲酯, 乙仞, 丙烷, 丙酮, 丙烯酸, 苯, 苯乙烯, 一氧化碳, 乙酸乙酯, 醋酸, 氯苯, 乙酸甲酯, 氯 | 甲醇, 乙醇, 乙苯, 丙醇, 丙烯, 丁醇, Butyl acetate乙酸丁酯, Amyl acetate (乙酸戊酯), 環戊烷 | 戊烷, 戊醇, 己烷, 乙醇, 庚烷, 辛烷, 環己醇, 松節油, 石腦油, 石油 (包括汽油), 燃料油, 四氯化戊醇 | 乙醛, 三甲胺 | 亞硝酸乙酯 | |
IIB公司 | 丙烯酯, 二甲醚 | 丁二烯, 環氧丙烷, 乙烯 | 二甲醚, 丙烯醛, 碳化氫 | |||
IIC公司 | 氫, 水氣 | 乙仞 | 二硫化碳 | 硝酸乙酯 |
注意: The information provided in the above table is for reference purposes only. Please consult the detailed requirements outlined in GB3836 for accurate application.
例: If carbon disulfide is the hazardous substance in the explosive gas environment, it corresponds to temperature group T5. 因此, the temperature group of electrical equipment used in this environment should be T5 or higher. 同樣地, if formaldehyde is the hazardous substance in the explosive gas environment, it corresponds to temperature group T2. 因此, the temperature group of electrical equipment used in this environment should be T2 or higher. It is worth mentioning that electrical equipment with temperature groups of T3 or T4 can also be used in this environment.
The equipment protection level signifies the level of protection for the explosion-proof electrical apparatus, denoting the safety rating of the equipment.
The definitions of equipment protection level for explosive gas environments are provided in section 3.18.3, 3.18.4, 和 3.18.5 of GB3836.1-2010.
Ga Level EPL Ga
Equipment intended for explosive gas environments features a “高” 保護級別, ensuring it does not serve as an ignition source during regular operation, anticipated faults, or exceptional malfunctions.
Gb Level EPL Gb
The equipment intended for explosive gas environments features a “高” 保護級別, guaranteeing that it does not serve as an ignition source during regular operation or anticipated fault conditions.
Gc Level EPL Gc
The equipment intended for use in explosive gas environments exhibits a “常規” level of protection and does not act as an ignition source during regular operation. Supplementary protective measures can also be implemented to ensure that it does not effectively ignite in situations where ignition sources are expected to occur frequently, such as in the case of lighting fixture malfunctions.