24 年份工業防爆製造商

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com




根據GB3836.1-2010 “爆炸性環境部分 1: 設備一般要求,” 防爆電氣設備專為喺大氣環境中運行而設計. 典型嘅大氣條件包括:

1. 大氣壓力範圍從 0.08 自 0.11 兆帕;

2. 一 濃度 21% (按體積) 在標準空氣中, 與其他惰性氣體(如氮氣)構成 79% (按體積);

3. 環境 溫度 在-20°C同60°C之間.

電氣設備嘅運行環境對其安全至關重要. 例如, 防爆電氣設備通常指定喺- 20°C至40°C嘅溫度的運行. 較低嘅大氣壓, 意味住空氣更稀薄, 會對電氣設備嘅冷卻效率產生不利影響. 同樣, 大氣溫度的波動會影響冷卻性能, 直接影響設備嘅運行效率.

当電氣設備嘅設計環境與實際大氣條件不同時, 較參數至關重要, 特別適用於大功率設備, 維護安全標準.

The designated operational environment temperature, set during the design phase, outlines the permissible temperature range for the equipment’s operation. This environment temperature forms the foundation for all the equipment’s performance indicators. Discrepancies between the actual and designed environments can lead to underperformance or, 喺嚴重嘅情況下, 故障. Specifically for 防爆電氣設備, exceeding the prescribed temperature range could compromise the explosion-proof integrity of certain types.

此外, the air’s oxygen content significantly affects the safety of explosion-proof electrical devices. Operating equipment intended for 爆炸物 components in anoxygen-richsetting may pose risks. 喺噉嘅環境中, the altered 燃燒 properties of flammable gases can challenge the normal function of equipment designed for standard conditions.



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