防爆冷氣, 因其能源效率而得到認可, 環保, 和安全, 深受消費者歡迎. 因此, 除了正確安裝, 喺成個使用過程中進行勤奮維護至關重要. 但是,防爆冷氣喺各個階段應該如何保養?
呢啲單位嘅維護係分階段進行嘅. Depending on the stage of usage, the following care should be taken:
During usage:
To ensure good air circulation, clean the air filter every 2 自 3 weeks. Follow the manual’s instructions to remove, 沖洗, and brush it gently before letting it dry. Avoid using substances like 汽油, volatile oils, acidic materials, or hot water above 40℃, and don’t scrub with hard brushes. Regularly dust off the exterior casing and panel with a soft cloth. 適用於更頑固嘅污垢, a mild soap solution or warm water below 45℃ can be used, then dried off with a soft cloth.
Before a shutdown:
Prior to an extended non-use period, dry the interior by setting the switch to the high wind setting and running the fan for 4 小時. 然之後, switch off the unit, unplug it, and cover the outdoor part with plastic to prevent dust and debris from entering. Indoors, use a decorative cover to keep out dust.
Before restarting:
Before you start using the unit each summer, remove the protective coverings and conduct a thorough cleaning and inspection. Following the manual, dismantle the necessary parts and clean them thoroughly, paying special attention to the evaporator and condenser fins. Ensure all wiring is secure and intact. After all checks are complete, reassemble, test the unit, and if all is well, it’s ready for use.
Properly installing and maintaining your 防爆冷氣 is not just about preventing operational faults; it’s also about ensuring safety. Maintenance is as crucial as the installation itself. Failing to upkeep your explosion-proof air conditioner can significantly impact its performance and longevity.