24 年份工業防爆製造商

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com




隨著冬天嘅到來和氣溫嘅急劇下降, 對防爆冷氣嘅需求顯著激增. 防爆冷氣技術中心嘅專業人員建議喺冬季購買呢啲設備時關注四個基本方面.


1. 功率容量

防爆冷氣嘅功率應該好大, 其加熱輸出超過冷卻能力. 不僅確保咗廣泛而有效的加熱範圍,而且仲防止埋冷氣因未能達到設定而重複啟動 溫度, 從而保護設備並節省能源.

2. 輔助加熱

對於南部地區, 防爆冷氣可能唔需要電輔助加熱. 然而, 喺較寒冷的北部地區, 氣溫經常徘徊喺零攝氏度左右嘅地方, 標準熱泵型號嘅外部單位可能會受到冰和霜嘅阻礙. 一種帶電加熱輔助裝置嘅防爆冷氣 “super low-temperature startfunction are particularly apt for external units in below-freezing conditions.

3. Functional Attributes

冬季, indoor spaces are frequently sealed off, leading to a higher likelihood of bacteria proliferation. When circulating air, explosion-proof air conditioners can inadvertently draw allergenic substances from the external environment into the room. Opting for a model equipped with anti-mold, antibacterial, and sterilization features can significantly enhance air quality.

4. Brand and Service

Choose products with a valid 防爆認證, and verify details such as origin, contact information, service outlets, 製造日期, usage instructions, and warranty period to ensure your rights are protected.



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