24 年份工業防爆製造商

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com




1. 防爆外殼

防爆外殼必須清潔完好, 帶有清晰嘅標記. 在以下情況下會喪失防爆能力: 裂縫, 焊接口, 或外殼有明顯的變形; 使用未經國家檢驗機構批准嘅防爆部件; 外殼內部或外部嘅銹蝕厚度超過0.2毫米; 無效嘅鎖定裝置; 松, 破獲, 或不防爆嘅窗; 無絕緣層的連接或接線盒; 以及電氣間隙或爬電距離不足.


2. 防爆接縫表面

防爆外殼嘅表面應光滑, 完成, 同防銹保護. 喪失防爆能力 表示為: 平面和圓柱形防爆表面的長度或直徑不足, 表面光潔度不當, 電機軸同孔之間嘅間隙過大, 電機接線盒覆蓋不當, 缺少螺栓, 或彈簧墊圈壓縮不當.

3. 電纜引入裝置

Loss of explosion-proof capability in cable entry devices occurs when: sealing rings or baffles are missing, causing looseness; the inner diameter of the sealing ring exceeds the cable’s outer diameter by more than 1mm; multiple sealing rings are used in one entry or multiple cables pass through a single hole; and when sealing rings are cut open, preventing full coverage over the cable, or when other layers between the sealing ring and cable are separated.

4. 佈線

Loss of explosion-proof capability in wiring is indicated by: exposed core wires or shielding layers in rubber sheathed cables, significant cracks in the cable, disorganized wiring in switches, ability to push or sway steel ropes, and when sealing rings are placed directly on the lead sheath of armored cables, or when cable insulating heads are cracked.

5. Sockets and Lighting Fixtures

Improper connections of explosion-proof sockets or lack of explosion-proof protection devices, and explosion-proof lights without screwless sockets or without interlocking devices, indicate a loss of explosion-proof capability.



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