24 年份工業防爆製造商

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


隨著技術嘅進步, 人們越嚟越注重LED防爆燈嘅選擇. 所以, 購買時應考慮哪些參數? 以下係製造商提供的一些指南,可幫助你選擇合適嘅LED防爆燈.

1. 功率因數:

For lights with a power greater than 10W, the power factor must be higher than 0.9.

2. 顯色指數 (鐳):

According to national indoor lighting standards, all indoor lighting fixtures and spaces requiring prolonged illumination must have a color rendering index greater than 80. For warehouses, underground garages, and other temporary lighting locations, a color rendering index greater than 60 係必需嘅.

3. Lifespan and Lumen Maintenance:

The average lifespan of explosion-proof lights should be less than 30,000 小時 (calculated at 24 hours per day, which is about 3.5 年), and the light decay during use must remain above 70% of the brightness.

4. Glare:

When companies replace traditional fixtures with LED explosion-proof lights, glare is an important consideration. The working bulbs can cause dizziness among employees. 因此, it’s recommended to use LED explosion-proof lights with low or no glare design.

5. Choice of Color Temperature:

The color 溫度 varies depending on the environment and higher color temperature isn’t always better for LED explosion-proof lights.



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