24 年份工業防爆製造商

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com




喺快速發展新媒體時代, 各種照明產品不斷湧現, 但喺呢啲混合產品中, 防爆節能燈經得起時間的考驗. 我哋用激情同汗水打造了過去, 我哋將繼續以智慧和毅力鑄就未來.

防爆節能燈有哪些優點? 顧名思義, 與氣體放電燈相比, 佢哋係 60% 更節能, 具有IIC類 防爆結構 同IP66級外殼, 提供出色嘅防爆性能. 但仲有乜嘢令它們具有優勢?

1. 能源效率和環境保護:

在正常工作條件下, 它們的使用壽命長達 100,000 小時, 或關於 11 年. 光源係冷光源, 並採用高壓鑄造鋁合金外殼, it remains cool to the touch even after long hours of operation and is durable under any condition. 此外, its excellent environmental credentials include being mercury-free, causing no pollution, and being recyclable.

2. 性能:

The lamp uses superior imported chips, maintaining excellent luminous efficacy and high light efficiency. With the combination of red, 綠, and blue light sources, it offers excellent display performance, allowing for a wide range of dynamic changes and image presentations. To ensure the stability of electronic components, a triple-chamber independent structure is adopted in the cooling system. 最後, our LED explosion-proof lights are characterized by low flicker frequency, strong adaptability, high stability, and quick response time.



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