24 年份工業防爆製造商

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com




用于粉塵爆炸區嘅A類設備 21 其特點係最高表面溫度為TA 85°C. 必須防止爆炸緊嘅環境中, 空氣中可能含有易燃易爆物質,如氣體, 蒸氣, 塵, 和纖維. Explosions can occur when these substances come into contact with sparks, 火焰, certain temperatures, or specific air pressures. It is therefore critical to take measures to prevent such explosions.

區 20區 21區 22
An explosive environment in the air that continuously appears in the form of combustible dust clouds, exists for a long time or frequently.Places where explosive environments in the air may appear or occasionally appear in the form of combustible dust clouds during normal operation.In the normal operation process, an explosive environment in the air in the form of combustible dust clouds is impossible to occur in places where the instrument exists for a short period of time.

This highlights the importance of adhering to strict safety standards, especially in industrial environments where 爆炸物 materials are present. The use of Class A devices, with their specified maximum surface 溫度, is a key strategy in mitigating the risk of explosions. These devices are designed to operate safely within explosive atmospheres by limiting their surface temperatures below the ignition temperatures of the surrounding 易燃嘅 材料.

The implementation of such safety protocols ensures that operations in hazardous areas remain secure and explosion-free, thereby protecting both personnel and infrastructure.



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