又稱正壓式防爆櫃, 其工作原理是將壓縮空氣或其他惰性氣體注入機櫃, 在機櫃內部和外部之間產生壓力差. 可以防止煙霧和可燃粉塵進入, ensuring that no explosive environment forms due to a lack of contact with combustibles. This method effectively protects the equipment and components inside the cabinet.
Explosion-Proof Distribution Cabinet:
Also referred to as an explosion-proof detection cabinet or distribution cabinet, it belongs to the category of explosion-proof products. Its explosion-proof principle allows hazardous gases or combustible dust to enter the cabinet and contain the explosion internally. The length, gap, and roughness are controlled to keep the 爆炸物 heat and sparks within the cabinet, preventing the spread of the explosion, although the equipment inside the cabinet may be damaged.
1. Comprises a cabinet body, 一種自動控制系統, an air supply system, an alarm system, 同配電系統. The primary chamber houses the power distribution system, while the auxiliary chamber contains the control system.
2. Utilizes a GGD frame structure with primary and secondary panels in a left-right arrangement, installed inside a cable trench seat and operated via front and rear doors.
3. Constructed using steel plate welding, with the main and auxiliary panels in a top-bottom structure, designed for hanging installation and front door maintenance.
4. Various steel plate bending and welding techniques are employed for manufacturing, with back and auxiliary panels in a front-back arrangement.
5. Available in ventilating and supplementary air types, depending on the air intake method.
6. Requires a clean air or nitrogen source, with a gas pressure range of 0.2 自 0.8 兆帕. 通常, the instrument air volume at the user’s site is sufficient.
7. Typically uses cold-rolled steel plates, with stainless steel as an option upon request.
Explosion-Proof Distribution Cabinet:
1. Features a combined structure with explosion-proof distribution cabinets, bus ducts, and outlet boxes all reinforced.
2. Main materials include cast aluminum alloy, Q235 carbon steel, 和 304 或 316 不銹鋼.
3. Houses mini circuit breakers with high-breaking capacity, offering overload and short-circuit protection, with the option to add leakage protection.
4. Allows for the free combination of various modular circuit structures.
5. Complies with standard requirements.