防爆控制箱由於喺危險環境中使用,因此需要對其防爆鋼板進行電焊, 需要強大防爆完整性嘅場合. 使用厚鋼板焊接呢啲盒子時,請遵循以下準則:
1. Operators must wear intact rubber gloves and perform operations standing on an insulated wooden platform. After using or when the power is connected, ensure the MIG welder is turned off and the 防爆控制箱 remains securely closed.
2. Wet gloves or handling with wet hands during re-closure is prohibited. Position yourself beside the switchgear during closure and ensure it is secured afterward. Do not start the MIG welder before it has been closed again, and avoid welding on it.
3. The explosion-proof control boxes should resist dirt and water; accumulating debris near the boxes is strictly prohibited. Ensure the area around the MIG welder and control box remains dry.
4. Safety goggles are mandatory during operation.
5. Keep 易燃嘅 and explosive items away from the work area.
6. Securely handle steel components. Ensure steel is stacked neatly, not overly high, maintaining clear safety pathways.