喺增強安全性嘅電氣設備中, 如防爆電機, 變形金剛, 電磁線, 同熒光燈鎮流器, 一部分包括內部繞組. 呢啲繞組嘅要求, 機械和電氣, 高於標準繞組嘅.
麻麻, 用于纏繞呢啲綫圈嘅絕緣線應為雙重絕緣, 且線圈嘅額定直徑不得小於0.25mm.
對於用于繞組呢啲綫圈嘅漆包綫, 建議使用GB/T6109.2-2008 “聚酯漆包圓銅線, 155類,” GB/T 6109.5-2008 “聚酯酰亞胺漆包圓銅線, 180級,” GB/T 6109.6-2008 “聚酰亞胺漆包圓銅線, 220類,” 或GB/T6109.20-2008 “聚酰胺-酰亞胺複合聚酯或聚酯-酰亞胺漆包圓銅線, 220類。”
此外, 年級 1 enameled round copper wire as specified in these standards can be used, provided it passes the relevant tests outlined in the standards.
After winding, an appropriate impregnating agent should be used to enhance the insulation properties of the windings.
The impregnation process should follow the manufacturer’s specified method, using techniques like dipping, trickling, or vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI) to fill the gaps between winding wires and ensure strong adhesion. If the impregnating agent contains solvents, the impregnation and drying should be performed twice to allow solvent evaporation.
麻麻, methods like spraying or coating for insulating windings are considered unreliable for 防爆電氣設備. Adequate attention should be given to this in engineering practice.
此外, for high-voltage windings, the impregnated windings should be treated with anti-corona paint to prevent additional hazards caused by corona discharges.
In enhanced-safety electrical devices, whether motors, electromagnetic coils, or other equipment’s coils, they should generally be equipped with 溫度 protection devices to prevent exceeding limit temperatures under normal operation or recognized abnormal conditions.
If a winding does not exceed the limit temperature under continuous overload (such as a motor rotor lock), or if a winding is not subject to overload (like a ballast for fluorescent lamps), then it does not require a temperature protection device.
When enhanced-safety electrical equipment is equipped with temperature protection devices, these can be installed either internally or externally. Regardless, the protection device should have the appropriate 防爆型 and should be assessed in conjunction with the protected equipment.